SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 18-03-2016
EU-Turkey deal – another brick in the wall?
18 March 2016
Brussels is hosting another European summit on the migration and refugee issue. A much needed European solution may be concluded, but at a high price which is more than just the billions of euros to be paid to Turkey. Yes Turkey is undertaking a huge effort to shelter 2 million refugees, as Jordan and Lebanon are doing under even more difficult conditions. We have seen Syrian refugees in the Shatila Palestinian refugee camp in Beyrouth, we have seen the refugees in the Jordanian camps, we have seen the work done by our members, from demining along the border between Syria and Jordan to humanitarian assistance all along the Balkan route, which is why they ask: why isn’t Europe delivering a European solution? Why is it so difficult to save lives, ensure a minimum of human dignity and uphold international conventions and values?
It is a huge challenge to meet the most urgent needs and the medium and long term task of integration, especially at a time when European societies are moving further towards disintegration and polarisation and inequalities continue to rise. The fear factor is not only driving those who do not want to lose their jobs or their quality of life. The fear factor is also driving politicians who listen to those who shout the loudest, even though they do not represent the majority in their respective countries. Politicians also seem to be driven by the fear of a break away from the European Union or even the fear of losing elections. They chose to let fear shape their agenda instead of being inspired by those who do not ask, but act, who demine borders, work in refugee camps, accompany the migrants and refugees, help and protect the most vulnerable like women and children.
These people are coming to Europe because they are fleeing a war or conflict. It is a human right to seek dignity and decency. Like freedom of expression and association, fundamental rights are increasingly under threat in Turkey. The deal is likely to become another brick in the wall, 27 years after the fall of the Berlin wall and the iron curtain. Twenty seven years ago some thought this would be the end of history, or was it an opening? Now we prefer to close borders. As High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini said on Wednesday in the EESC “borders shall protect against enemies, not against migrants”. What we need is courage and determination, and not give way to populism. And we need (an) other hero(es): such as those volunteers and professionals engaging in social and humanitarian action under difficult conditions, those working for organisations like our members, or for CARITAS, or Diaconia, for Medecins sans Frontiers and similar movements! All of them would deserve a Silver Rose Award.
SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards, the Progressive Civil Society Awards – The call for nominations is open
Who should receive this year’s SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards?
Nominate now the organisation or individual whose efforts should be recognised with a Silver Rose Award in one of the three categories, Together for Social Europe, Building Learning Societies or Organising International Solidarity. The Silver Rose Nomination form.
Nominations can be submitted till Monday 11 April 2016
Together for Social Europe
SOLIDAR sent a letter to President Juncker and Tusk: No EU-Turkey deal at the expense of human rights and fundamental freedoms!
17 March 2016
Ahead of the European Council of 17 and 18 March, SOLIDAR sent a letter to President Juncker and Tusk to reiterate our deep concerns about some aspects of the EU-Turkey Action Plan discussed on 7 March.
Our network is deeply concerned that the European responses proposed at the EU-Turkey summit on 7 March will only result in increasing the vulnerability of refugees and migrants. Therefore, we call on EU leaders to develop European solutions based on solidarity and responsibility sharing mechanisms that are fully compliant with human rights obligations. We are seriously concerned that the opening of new accession chapters for Turkey is subject to the EU-Turkey action plan to solve the refugee crisis, that mass return agreements between Greece and Turkey could undermine international protection standards and human rights, SOLIDAR regrets that the proposed EU-Turkey action plan lacks adequate measures to ensure better living conditions for the 3 million asylum seekers and refugees who live in Turkey and finally,we call on EU leaders to provide safe and legal routes into the EU for people seeking asylum
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Exchange of views with MEPs Rodrigues and Benifei on integration of refugees: looking forward to a fruitful cooperation!
17 March 2016
On 16 March, SOLIDAR hosted a very fruitful exchange of views on challenges and opportunities related to the integration of refugees into the EU with S&D MEPs Maria Joao Rodrigues and Brando Benifei and social NGOs. The Benifei own-initiative report on social inclusion and the integration of refugees in the labour market and the initiative ‘Investing in a safe and inclusive European society’ promoted by Maria Joao Rodrigues were presented and discussed. Representatives of social NGOs, volunteer associations, youth organisations and trade unions provided their inputs to and recommendations for the work of the MEPs.
For SOLIDAR, the meeting was an excellent opportunity to reiterate and reinforce the very well established cooperation between the European Parliament and civil society on such an important topic. We look forward to feeding into the above mentioned parliamentary activities by providing amendments and best practices based on the long-standing expertise of our members working all over Europe and the Western Balkans to provide services to migrants and refugees and to promote integration, social inclusion, peace and democracy.
Building Learning Societies
Vocational Education and Training to develop skills, know-how and competences for social inclusion
18 March 2016
Vocational education and training (VET) is a valuable and practical form of education that can play a key role in providing and increasing skills, know-how and competences to those who are experiencing difficulties when it comes to actively participating in society. In many places, development and reforms of national VET structures have been long awaited.
The SOLIDAR Foundation works closely with its members on promoting VET in the European Union and calls on the Member States to reform VET systems in a sustainable way in order to support learners in the long run instead of finding short-term solutions to the needs of the labour market and economic development.
In the recently published Background paper on Vocational Education and Training, we recommend that Member States should:
- ensure equal access to training and apprenticeships;
- increase permeability between education systems, higher education and the labour market;
- and promote a personal development approach.
Organising International Solidarity
Defending Civil Society Space in Southern Neighbourhood Countries
16 March 2016
On 17 and 18 March 2016, the CSO Forum that is organised by DG DEVCO, will bring together civil society organisations from the international development and human rights constituencies, with EU institutions to discuss EU policy to support the enabling environment of civil society in external relations.
On this occasion, SOLIDAR, together with the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) and the EuroMed NGO Platform are launching a regional report on “Defending Civil Society Space in Southern Neighbourhood Countries”. This policy briefing comes as the result of the three networks’ commitment to defend and promote the space of Civil Society and independent trade unions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to foster inclusive development, as part of a regional – funded programme to promote Decent Work, Social Protection and Freedom of Association in the MENA region.
Conny Reuter SOLIDAR Secretary General stated that “Freedom of peaceful assembly and association are fundamental human rights – a fundamental principle for civil society organisations. This report documents alarming levels of shrinking space for civil society in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood. We have to recall that the role of civil society is essential to keep governments accountable for their progress or failure in the realisation of the economic and social rights demanded by the millions of people taking to the streets during the Arab Spring.”
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Building an EU Human Rights Strategy to achieve Social Protection for All
17 March 2016
People and communities are experiencing globally increasing levels of socio-economic exclusion and inequalities, hampering the full enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs). The EU has recently adopted a new EU action plan on human rights and democracy as a strong commitment to mainstream human rights in its external relations, in close partnership with civil society.
On Thursday 17th March, the 2016 edition of the CSO Forum, organised by DG DEVCO, will kick off and will gather hundreds of civil society representatives to discuss how to turn big pledges into local changes. Paramount to this is the need for the EU to live up to all its commitments in terms of promoting human rights and fighting inequalities. On this occasion SOLIDAR has developed a policy framework illustrating its approach to promoting the progressive realisation of ESCRs.
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How to mainstream social protection in the European Development Fund’s (EDF) National Indicative Programmes (NIPs). Civil Society in South Africa will tell us how
18 March 2016
Agenda 2030 and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda have reiterated governments’ commitment to the realisation of decent work and social protection for all: “We are committed to ending poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including by eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. All people must enjoy a basic standard of living, including through social protection systems.” (Agenda 2030, paragraph 24)
The EU, through its development cooperation policy and programmes, is already greatly contributing to the achievement of these objectives. The forthcoming review of the National Indicative Programmes (NIPs) negotiated in the framework of the 11th European Development Fund, can be an opportunity to further pursue the progressive realisation of the right to decent work and social protection for all and better align the EDF programme with the spirit of Agenda 2030.
The Social Protection Monitor’s country reports are published weekly, from 19 February – to mark World Day of Social Justice (20 February) till 7 April – to mark World Health Day. This week South Africa will be in the spotlight…
Read the full version of the Social Protection Monitor report on South Africa here.
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