ALDA: Joint mission in Ukraine – Strengthening the LDA of Dnipropetrovsk Region, and paving the way to the future LDA in Odessa
On 21 and 22 March 2016, a joint delegation from ALDA, from the Polish Municipality of Gdansk, the Local Democracy Agency Dnipropetrovsk, and Association for Community Self-organization Assistance, are on a visit in Odessa, Ukraine, to meet several representatives of the local and regional institutions.
The aim of the visit is to explore the possibilities of further cooperation and of the opening of an LDA in Odessa supported by interested local and international partners.
ALDA is represented by its Secretary General, Antonella Valmorbida, and the Coordinator for Eastern Partnership, Ela Horoszko; the Head of Dnipropetrovsk Local Democracy Agency, Angelica Pylypenko, will attend; Gdansk Municipality is represented by Piotr Kowalczuk, Deputy Mayor, Anna Kieturakis, expert on Eastern Europe at the Gdansk city administration, and Maciej Buczkowski; Andrii Krupnyk, Chairman of the Association for Community Self-Organization Assistance, member of ALDA since 2015 and deeply involved in the activities of the LDA Dnipropetrovsk, organised the joint mission and will be present at all steps.
The key representatives to be met in Odessa are: Eugenia Abramova, Odessa Regional Council Deputy, Head of Administrative Services Center and with CSOs leaders; Solomia Bobrovska, Deputy Head of Odessa Regional State Administration; Pavel Vugelman, Deputy Mayor of the Odessa city and Ms Svetlana Boyeva, Head of Odessa City Council Department of International Relations.
Following the days in Odessa, the delegation of ALDA will head to Kiev, to meet with members, partners, and international stakeholders. The working week will end in Dnipropetrovsk, region hosting the first LDA in the country opened in May 2015, where the President of ALDA Oriano Otocan and the Director of the LDA Kutaisi (Georgia), together with ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida, will meet Gleb Prygunov, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, and Borys Filatov, Mayor of Dnipropetrovsk.
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