
Members > European Movement North Macedonia

  • Last Updated: 3rd June 2019
National Councils

European Movement North Macedonia

The European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia (EMRM) is a part of the International European Movement (EMI). From its founding in 1991, the European movement in the Republic of Macedonia has continuously acted upon the affirmation of the EU integration processes in the Republic of Macedonia as well as towards creating conditions for accelerating the integration process of the Republic of Macedonia towards the EU.

In order to accomplish this basic goal, the following activities are undertaken:
– Educational programs for obtaining knowledge about the EU organized for different age groups (seminars, lectures, debates, quizzes etc.);
– Cultural manifestations for the affirmation of European values and for strengthening of the social cohesion ( reward for European person of the year, reward for best essay on EU topics, projection of European movies, competition for most creative young painter etc.);
– Organizing different forums to address the institutions, the enterprises and the local communities for wider democratization and respect of human rights and freedoms as well as the labor rights (public debates, panel discussions, press conferences, international conferences etc.).

The activities in strengthening the tolerance, in finding a peaceful solution to conflicts and in providing conditions for coexistence are especially meaningful. As a part of the International European Movement, the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia intervenes for affirmation of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU, highlighting the preparedness of the grand majority of citizens to affiliate the European Union.

  • President: Mileva Gjurovska
  • Secretary General: Loreta Shkilievich
Partizanski odredi 22/17
1000 Skopje