European Confederation of Veterans
The oldest federation of French combat veterans, the Federal Union held its first national congress in Paris on 11 November 1917, at a time when the Great War was raging. 83 federations or groups have joined forces to date, and it still has 90,000 members.
- The safeguarding of the moral heritage and the material interests of veterans and all war victims as well as the cult of remembrance;
- The pursuit by specific means of the struggle for an ideal of freedom, justice and democracy;
- Participation in all actions designed to ensure international peace and security in a climate of fraternity and human understanding;
- The maintenance, between the member Federations, Associations and Groups, of friendly relations, assistance and mutual defence.
The European Confederation of Veterans of today aim at defending peace and o promoting the human rights.
- President: Georges Cabero
1 rue de Brissac
F-75004 Paris
F-75004 Paris
Phone: + 33 1 44 54 22 70
Fax: + 33 1 48 87 68 74