
News > EM UK: A message to go out and Vote on Thursday June 23rd

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Participative democracy and civil dialogue

EM UK: A message to go out and Vote on Thursday June 23rd


Tomorrow, we will head to the polls and determine the future of this country. It’s a stark choice between isolationism and leadership.

As part of the European Movement, you already know the immense benefits that our membership in the European Union brings: economic growth, peace and security, environmental protections, and opportunities for our young people, just to name a few.

But if those of us who believe that Britain ought to be leading, not leaving the EU don’t turn out to vote tomorrow, all of those benefits could be lost in the blink of an eye.

So, I am calling on you for one final request before the polls open tomorrow. Will you share this video to encourage your friends and family to turn out to vote?


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