SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 16-09-2016
Don’t shoot the ambulance!
16 September
Today the leaders of the new Europe27 will gather in Bratislava for an informal summit under the Slovak Presidency. After Commission President Juncker’s State of the European Union speech, the moment of truth is about to come. Whereas Juncker has shifted the emphasis slightly towards a more social Europe that reaches the hearts and minds of citizens, the Council is about to emphasise the differences between Member States and will again try to shift the balance of power in their direction. It seems that some are still to understand that when citizens are driven by the fear factor – the fear of losing, the fear of those who are different – it is not a matter of border protection. It is rather a matter of social protection, of protection against job losses, against precarious work, against inequalities.
We have often repeated that the solutions are not that difficult, but as Juncker rightly said it is matter of will. If the Commission is the guardian of the Treaties, of welfare promises, of territorial and social cohesion this needs to be translated into action. Citizens have a vision of an EU that serves both the people and the planet (See Common statement by 177 European and national Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions), and they expect results.
And we expect a strong statement on those Member States who do not respect European values. How can it be argued that not respecting the Stability and Growth Pact has tremendous consequences, but not respecting our values and democratic principles has none?! Not respecting the Stability and Growth Pact has a consequence: the conditionality of access to EU funds. Why should countries whose leaders contribute through their policies to the destruction of the European house be rewarded with large sums of European funding? Daring to have more Europe could also mean daring to have a stronger attitude.
On a global level, despite having endorsed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we have seen a move away from our commitment to reduce poverty and inequalities worldwide in favour of efforts to promote the securitisation of aid and of migration flows. This is reflected in the new Official Development Assistance (ODA ) definition from the OECD-DAC which blurs the line between development aid and military expenditure. The ambitious Investment Plan for Africa and the EU Neighbourhood to create jobs has to go hand in hand with a new ambitious social agenda for our development cooperation; placing social protection, social inclusion and the promotion of civil society space at its core.
In times of multiple crises don’t shoot at the ambulance, don’t shoot the sheriff, instead change direction towards social investment. There are allies who can help us to reshape public opinion: trade unions and civil society. Under one condition: a Union that serves citizens, strengthens their trust in the future and delivers on social and territorial cohesion!
State of the Union: Could be better with the right remedies!
Commission President Juncker delivered the annual speech on the State of the Europe Union in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday 14 September. In the spotlight were BREXIT and the rise of populism and EU-scepticism in Europe. The keywords were Protecting Union, Solidarity, Investment and Security. With this wording it was certainly a more social speech which didn’t focus on the usual suspects, namely competitiveness, growth and austerity. Read more
SOLIDAR calls for the release of the Alexandria shipyard workers!
The verdict on case No. 2759, concerning 26 civilian workers of the Alexandria Shipyard company is due on 18 September. The case was referred to the military court after the civilians staged a peaceful protest demanding the implementation of the minimum wage, and health and safety conditions at work. Read more
Call for papers – Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development
In the framework of their joint initiative, the “Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development”, the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) and SOLIDAR are launching a call for academic papers to critically evaluate how the embedding of the 2030 Agenda into the EU development, trade and investment approaches could contribute to reduce inequalities and mobilizing domestic resources for sustainable development. Read more
Promoting quality in learning delivery
CEDEFOP is hosting a reflection workshop on 15 and 16 September that looks at the needs of learning providers and ways to improve the quality of learning delivery. The aim of this event is to reflect on a joint work programme between learning providers and Cedefop for the period 2017 to 2020 that will focus on quality in learning delivery, following the directions set out in the 2015 Riga conclusions. SOLIDAR Foundatiojn was there. Read more
SOLIDAR Study visit and Social Affairs Forum
22-23 September 2016 | Tartu, Estonia
For SOLIDAR Members only
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Book launch event ‘From Europe to Local: Migrating solidarity’
10 October 2016 | Brussels, Belgium
Public event
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