Brussels Launch of the Advocacy Strategy for the EU Integration of the Western Balkans
The European Movement International in collaboration with the Regional Cooperation Council organised the official Launch of the Advocacy Strategy for the EU Integration of the Western Balkans on 29 November in Brussels.
The idea for a comprehensive advocacy strategy for EU (potential) candidate countries originated from the European Movement in Serbia, who joined forces with eight think tanks from the Western Balkan and Visegrad Group countries. All the partners strongly believe that as the enlargement has been put on hold, a strong lobby for Western Balkans is needed more than ever before.
The event launching the strategy in Brussels welcomed remarks from Goran Svilanović, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International, Eduard Kukan MEP, Catherine Wendt, Head of Unit Serbia, DG NEAR and others.
The Advocacy Strategy for the EU Integration of the Western Balkans – Guidelines (ASWB) and more details about the initiative, can be found on the project’s website.
Event partners:
Pictures of the launch can be found on Facebook and Flickr:
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