
News > AEGEE: Launch of More than education – European Citizens’ Initiative

Article Details:

  • 7th November 2016 - 18:40 UTC
Participative democracy and civil dialogue, Post 2015 Agenda

AEGEE: Launch of More than education – European Citizens’ Initiative

More than education – European Citizens’ Initiative has been launched! The initiative that aims to bring Civic Education on the European political agenda for a more democratic and educated Europe.

In order to achieve this we are using the first-ever tool for direct democracy at the transnational level: the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI)!
The challenge that we have taken up is to collect 1.000.000 signatures from at least 7 EU Member States, and thereby to force the European Commission to discuss our ideas on strengthening Civic Education in Europe.

We want more than education! Do you?
SIGN here: www.morethaneducation.eu

Do you also accept this challenge? Then YOU should join us in the fight for a more democratic and a more educated Europe! Be part of our team!
APPLY here: http://www.morethaneducation.eu/getinvolved/

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