
News > URGENT Final Conference – Reactivating European Urban Citizenship

Article Details:

  • 13th June 2018 - 15:00 UTC

URGENT Final Conference – Reactivating European Urban Citizenship

Between 30th of May and 1st of June, the URGENT project consortium met in Athens, Greece to share the results of the local activities and to conclude the project during the final conference “Reactivating European urban citizenship: a network of inclusive towns”.

During the last international seminar, the partners developed a city manifesto to build a common understanding about interculturalism, social inclusion, integration of migrants. The project results are to be valorised in a Handbook collecting the experiences of the enactment that overcome stereotypes about immigrants and build counter narratives. Equally, during the seminar, ALDA in cooperation with European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Amphictyony (EGTCA) and the Municipality of Agia Varvara, organised a half day conference where the project outcomes were presented to the local stakeholders, partners shared their pilot projects and a dedicated space for interaction and exchange of experience was provided during the URGENT Inclusion Fair.

The URGENT project, or “Urban Re-Generation European Network of Towns” project aims to promote city-level and local awareness-raising about the urgent need for establishing new intercultural connections among inhabitants of marginalized multi-ethnic neighbourhoods/areas and population of central areas. The project focuses on tackling the growing fear of immigration and debating how to overcome related misleading stereotypes, which feed euroscepticism and undermine fragile European cohesion.

To read the original ALDA article in full, click here.

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