
Events > Citizens for Change | The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Policies

Event Details:

  • 5th June 2019
  • 16:00-18:00
  • L42, rue de la Loi 42, Brussels 1000
  • EUGreenWeek
EMI Events

Citizens for Change | The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Policies

On Wednesday, 5 June, and as part of EU Green Week, the European Movement International held an event discussing the role of civil society in environmental policies.

Environmental protection is high on citizens’ agenda and we thought it was time for us all to have more of a say! The decision-making process and implementation of environmental legislation at EU-level must engage citizens from all backgrounds and a diverse range stakeholders. NGOs, social partners, youth organisations, trade unions, local authorities, business and employer organisations all have their own perspectives on the subject.

How can citizens and organised civil society have a more important role in shaping policies? How can we ensure better public participation on environmental matters? What is the role of cities and regions in implementing good environmental policies? Where do we stand with the implementation of environmental policies in Europe? What role and responsibilities do businesses have with regards to environmental protection?

If you are interested in this topic, please click HERE to read ‘EMI: Moving Towards a Sustainable Europe’ policy position.

Discussants indluded

  • Francesca Carlsson, Legal Officer | European Environmental Bureau
  • Ion Codescu, Head of Unit, Environmental Implementation Unit | European Commission
  • Paolo Basso, Regulatory Affairs Manager | European Heating Industry
  • Paul Pasquali, Head of the Group Governmental and Public Affairs | Raiffeisen Bank International
  • Solveig Standal Skåravik, European Advisor on Energy, Climate and Transport | Oslo Region European Office
  • Carol Thomas, Advisor | Council of European Municipalities and Regions

Please see here some images of the event :

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