
News > ALDA: “I need (E)U, (E)U needs me” Report

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  • 5th September 2019 - 12:08 UTC

ALDA: “I need (E)U, (E)U needs me” Report

How to understand migrants and EU citizens’ needs? By what means people could offer and provide mutual help? This was the challenge of the 2nd International Training of the Project FromMEtoEU – From Migrants Employment to Europe Upgrade which took place in Zaragoza, Spain, from Juy 2nd to 4th, 2019, and in which ALDA took part as partner of the project.

FromMEtoEU – funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme – is a project which aims to provide opportunities for European citizens and migrants’ communities to work together and to promote a new idea of a multicultural Europe. The project will provide citizens with a pathway of awareness to highlight the good of solidarity, by leading them to maximize social collaboration and at the same time by combating scepticism in refugees reception programs (Euroscepticism’s too).

The event resulted in the successful cooperation among the partners, who discussed about the development of the surveys, the type of questions, the way of delivering the interviews and the methods of arranging data. In the next months, every partner will select 5 local young volunteers (18 – 30 years old) who will be involved through the European Solidarity Corps in the collection of the interviews. Each partner together with the volunteers will produce a video and will organise a local workshop to discuss with the community about the potential solutions for a better intercultural engagement. ALDA is part of the project and will implement the actions in Belgium.

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