
News > ALDA: Join the AGREED project to support local public administrative reforms in Moldova

Article Details:

  • 7th October 2019 - 11:01 UTC

ALDA: Join the AGREED project to support local public administrative reforms in Moldova

The EU-funded project AGREED – “Activating Governance Reform for Enhancing Development” in the Republic of Moldova gets into action. The aim of the project being to build a growingly concerted mechanism between civil society and the local authorities in the policy making process, we are now seeking a resource to develop such a system.
Thus, it has been launched the recruitment for an independent individual or group of expert(s) or specialized organization to develop a methodology of voluntary amalgamation of administrative territorial units (ATUs) to support the Decentralization and Local Public Administrative Reform.
The selected expert(s)/organization will work to elaborate the voluntary amalgamation methodology, identify the needed modifications within the normative framework and harmonization of the legislative framework, possible reorganization of municipal enterprises, etc.
Find more information here.

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