
News > EM Serbia: EU Enlargement Depends on Political Will of Key Actors

Article Details:

  • 26th November 2019 - 16:59 UTC

EM Serbia: EU Enlargement Depends on Political Will of Key Actors

The Western Balkan countries need to work more actively on their joint representation on the international level, but also in bilateral relations with the EU within the accession process was the message sent from the panel discussion” The Perspective of Western Balkans European Integration after the European Parliament Election and Brexit”.

The event was the second debate organized within the project European Integration of the Western Balkans: Making a Realistic Perspective out of a Shifting Target, implemented by the European Movement in Serbia, the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) from Tirana, and the Institute for European Policy (EPI) from Skopje, and financially supported by the Western Balkans Fund.

Panelists were welcomed by Jelica Minić, Vice President of the European Movement in Serbia, who analyzing the events of the year past, said it was an important year for both the EU and the Western Balkans. Moreover, she reminded of the announcements to change the Enlargement Policy, with the direction remaining unknown.

Minić concluded that political and social mobilization in the Western Balkans is important, pointing out that the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Poznan indicated the need to focus on local communities in the process of accession to the EU.

Read the full article here.