ETUC and ITUC welcome lifting of EU trade benefits from Cambodia
The European Commission announced a partial withdrawal of trade concessions to Cambodia under its preferential trade arrangement, Everything But Arms (EBA). The decision came after a long period of ‘enhanced dialogue’ initiated by the EU in order to pressure the Cambodian government to stop persecuting opposition leaders and to roll back other authoritarian measures.
With Cambodia being a major beneficiary under the EBA, the partial withdrawal is a test for Europe’s trade policy and its impact on human rights. The ETUC and ITUC welcome the EU decision to withdraw trade preferences to Cambodia.
Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary, said: “We support the decision of the European Commission to lift trade preferences for Cambodia. We have always advocated a strong EU stance on the international stage to respect labour rights. EU trade preferences should only be given to third countries with strict conditions on the respect for labour rights. This is the basis for fair globalisation”
Read the full statement here.