ALDA: CROSSing OVER to the end of a great journey
After one full year of travelling, shared experiences and meetings, the adventures of the Cross Over project have come to an end. And what a year it was! 12 great local activities took place in Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland in order to foster the participation of the youth population in the 2019 European Parliament elections.
Starting at the end of 2018, this European project funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme, in fact, aimed to promote people’s awareness of the European Union and attract their interest for the European Parliament elections of May 2019, especially among the younger generations.
The project involved a consortium of 14 local authorities and civil society organisations from 11 countries: Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden. Together, they took the highly interesting and potentially risky choice to organize the project activities in the following six countries with some of the lowest turnout in the previous EU elections: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.
Read the full article here.
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