Council Conclusions on Mainstreaming Ageing in Public Policies
Eurodiaconia welcomes the EU Council conclusions on Mainstreaming Ageing in Public Policies adopted on the 12 March 2021.
The conclusions invite Member States to develop a National Strategic Framework for Mainstreaming Ageing and other initiatives that enable older people across the EU to enjoy their fundamental rights and reach their full potential. Eurodiaconia particularly welcomes:
- The call to improve access to and quality healthcare, long-term care, including developing and ensurin access to services that provide older-person-centred and integrated care and fostering enhanced integration between health and social services to maintain and improve older persons’ physical and cognitive capacities.
- Commitment to jointly work towards implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights principles for people of all ages, particularly those related to the right access to quality health and long-term care services, old-age income and pensions, gender equality, the inclusion of persons with disabilities and equal opportunities.
- Recognition of the need for improved investments in long-term care, supporting the measures envisaged in the Council Conclusions on Human Rights, Participation and Well-Being of Older Persons in the Era of Digitalisation.