
News > Policy Focus | Social Rights: The Roadmap for Europe’s Recovery and Economic Transition

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Policy Focus

Policy Focus | Social Rights: The Roadmap for Europe’s Recovery and Economic Transition

This week, EU leaders will meet for a two-day Social Summit in Porto, organised by the Portuguese Council Presidency. The meeting provides an occasion for Member States, EU institutions, Social Partners and civil society to reinforce their commitment to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and deliver on social objectives by 2030.  

The social and employment targets of the Commission’s Action Plan to implement the Pillar, that leaders are expected to endorse, comes at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted societies and economies, leading to increased inequalities. At the same time, the green and digital transition of our economies and labour markets, requires a new social agenda with ambitious actions to support social protection, inclusion, and equal employment opportunities for all.

While the European Parliament has been recently calling for stronger, binding social targets to support the EU labour market adjust to current challenges, increased social ambitions at EU level are still met with reluctance in some Member States. Last month eleven EU countries  issued a joint Non-Paper on the Social Summit, expressing concerns about losing national sovereignty over policymaking in the areas of education, labour, employment and pension. At the same time, Member States recognise the need for job creation and retraining opportunities. 

Key Texts

The European Pillar of Social Rights

The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan

EP Position –  A strong social Europe for Just Transitions

Upcoming Dates

7 – 8 May 2021: Porto Social Summit

19 May 2021: Plenary debate on Just Transition Fund

26 – 27 May 2021: European Social Economy Summit 2021

The European Movement International position

The European Pillar of Social Rights remains instrumental to ensure social rights stay at the top of the EU’s agenda and relies on European commitment across all sectors and stakeholders. As we highlight in our policy position on the “European Pillar of Social Rights”, the Action Plan is a vital instrument for bringing about social justice and equality as well as real upward social convergence among Member States. With regard to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Europeans, the Action Plan offers a roadmap to address these issues. 

Europe’s recovery must be grounded in social policies and cooperation of Member States to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on all aspects of European citizens and residents’ lives. This should be achieved in a just and equal manner that does not discriminate against disadvantaged people. In our policy position we welcome the Commission’s commitment to equality and social rights, without having to compromise. To positively impact citizens, the Action Plan must be integrated in future EU policy considerations.

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