
News > CEMR: Local green recovery in Europe

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  • 27th October 2021 - 11:20 UTC

CEMR: Local green recovery in Europe

After much delay and uncertainty to due to COVID crisis, it’s finally happening: the 26th UN summit on climate change (COP26) is taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, from 31 October to 12 November.

On this occasion, CEMR has prepared an infographic on “Ensuring a local green recovery in Europe: 5 key facts for local implementation of the Paris Agreement”. The visual vividly shows why tackling climate change is a human and environmental necessity and why local and regional action are critical to successfully shift to sustainability.

Key messages to achieve carbon-neutral territories

We have also prepared 6 key messages as the core of our advocacy on behalf of local and regional governments at the COP26 summit. These messages are:

  1. The Paris Agreement needs to be delivered now covering both mitigation and adaptation at all levels.
  2. Local and regional leadership and action are key to strengthening work at international level within UNFCCC and in collaboration with global partners.
  3. Providing appropriate regulatory frameworks, financial and technical resources is essential for the implementation of Local and Regional Governments’ climate action.
  4. The localisation and territorialisation of the Sustainable Development Goals are fundamental to have a positive impact on the ground.
  5. Climate justice and social equity need to go hand in hand to combat climate change inequalities efficiently.
  6. Resilience and recovery should be the opportunity focus to guide society out of the pandemic crisis.

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