
Events > Investing in the Future of Europe: EU’s Action in the Post-COP Context

Event Details:

EMI Events

Investing in the Future of Europe: EU’s Action in the Post-COP Context

The COP26 was the opportunity to build bridges and commit to tangible actions towards a transition to a green economy. This event was the opportunity to discuss how the EU can deliver on those commitments, through existing initiatives and joint efforts from partners and private sector, so that Europe can play its part in mitigating climate change.

To discuss the post-COP landscape and the European Union’s commitments, the European Movement International, in partnership with the European Investment Bank, has organised an Investing in the Future of Europe event entitled EU’s Action in the Post-COP Context.

This digital panel took place on Thursday 27 January, 14:30-15:30 CET.

The panel featured:

Moderated by Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International.

As well as from the dedicated website, the event was live-streamed from the European Movement International FacebookYouTubeTwitter and LinkedIn pages.

The livestream is available here:

After the initial discussion, online participants engaged in a Q&A session with the public.

Since 2017, this series of panel discussions has been held across the EU as well as in other neighbouring countries. Designed to discuss the benefits of EU integration and membership, this is also an opportunity to engage broader civil society to debate about the transformative power and direct benefits of the EU.

Find out more about the event and previous Investing in the Future of Europe events here and join the debate on Twitter with the hashtag #InvestingInEurope. You can also follow the event partners @EMInternational and @EIB.

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