
News > CESI: Position on an EU Care Strategy

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  • 28th April 2022 - 13:04 UTC

CESI: Position on an EU Care Strategy

In the position, which was developed as part of a dedicated hearing carried out by the European Commission on April 7 on a new EU Care Strategy, CESI welcomes the initiative of the EU to address existing and rising challenges in the child care and long-term care sector in a holistic, European-wide manner.

In the position, CESI highlights in particular that an EU Care Strategy should:

  1. match the supply of affordable and high quality care to increasing levels of demand. Considerable investments, in particular public investments, are needed in many Member States to improve the availability of accessibility, affordability and quality of long-term care and early childhood education and care services.
  2. help step up staff attraction and staff retention. This will most notably require measures for better employment and working conditions in the care sector. Measures should span to pay levels, stress and strain exposure, occupational health and safety standards, and an improved public perception of care professionals and the important work they carry out.
  3. better formalise the long–term care sector. Beyond the necessities about generally better working conditions in the care sector, and in conjunction with point 1 above, there is a need for informal and home–based carers to receive an adequate training, recognition, and qualification of the care services they provide.
  4. further professionalise the child care sector. An EU Care Strategy should encourage the inclusion of social–health experts in all child care programmes.
  5. create a level-playing field to ensure a balance in the provision of accessible, affordable and high-quality care services across regions and countries. Care-related disparities, which are fostered by a borderless Single Market to the detriment of less advantaged countries, need to be mediated and tackled by the EU. The Single Market needs a social dimension which also addresses structural imbalances in labour migration, especially in the care sector.
  6. ensure inclusive consultation and social dialogue for affordable, accessible and high quality care services. The European Commission should ensure the organisation of a social dialogue among sectoral unions and employers and their effective coordination with policy makers in order to help accompany the monitoring and implementation of an EU Care Strategy.

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