Focus on citizenship and twinning: ALDA at the CEMR conference in Rome
ALDA Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida participated in the conference “Citizen in my City – Citizen in Europe”, organised by CEMR on 15-16 December in Rome, Italy.
Mrs. Valmorbida was among the panelists of the session “Citizens in Europe, Citizens in the World“, organised in cooperation with Platforma today, from 14:30 to 16:30. The session is still available in streaming.
The other panellists were:
- Carl WRIGHT, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF)
- Alicia BARQUERO, Councilor for Equality and Development Cooperation Policies of Murcia (Spain), Member of the Commission of Development Cooperation of FEMP
- Jocelyne BOUGEARD, Deputy Mayor of Rennes (France)
- Angelo BAGLIO, Head of Unit “Civil society organisations – Local authorities”, DG DEVCO – EuropeAid, European Commission
- Josep ROIG, Secretary General of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
- Moderator: Octavi DE LA VARGA, Head of the European Union and International Strategy, Diputació de Barcelona
On the occasion of the conference, the Structured Dialogue of the programme Europe for Citizens was also organised, and Mrs. Valmorbida participated representing ALDA and its wide experience with the programme.
More information on the conference website
After the event, a document containing 25 proposals to revive the European project was drafted and endorsed also by ALDA. The text entitled “Hope for Europe! 25 proposals to revive the European project”, designed with both local and regional elected representatives and European institutions in mind, presents solutions to reconnect citizens with public action at every level: local, regional, national and European. To this aim, it stresses the importance of active participation in the decision-making process including, in particular, those people from social groups that are still poorly represented – especially women, young people and migrants.
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