
News > SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 12-06-2015

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Bridging EU decision making, European Social Model

SOLIDAR Weekly Round Up 12-06-2015

Editorial by Conny Reuter, SOLIDAR Secretary General


12 June 2015

Without wishing to come back to the social impact of the crisis again, it is worth reminding policy and decision makers at EU level that a narrow focus on so-called structural reforms, on so-called sound public finances and growth at any price has not delivered tangible results in terms of quality employment, poverty reduction and social cohesion. It is time for change!

The current crisis is even more profound and in the end very dangerous. If citizens loose trust first in policy making, then in policy makers and in the end in democracy, then we should listen to the warning bells. Why, in a rich country like Austria, do people vote massively in favour of the populists peddling imaginary fears and the return of an artificial sense of belonging and entitlement that excludes parts of the population living in that country? There used to be a democratic firewall and some things were unthinkable but now the unimaginable has happened in Burgenland. It’s impossible to save democracy by making coalitions with anti-democrats. That is not rehabilitation; it is opening Pandora’s box.

This week some scenes in the EP were reminiscent of scenes from the past and did not demonstrate respect and dignity in a political dispute. They were shameful images.

And in the end the pressure on Greece continues even though it is in the interests of all democrats to give the Greek people some breathing space and not just cut for the sake of “sound public finances”. It would have been enough to prompt the late Stephane Hessel to write another “Indignez-vous”. We will not write it, but we have to say it out loud. The mounting crisis will only fuel citizens’ rejection of the European project and in the end could make them turn their backs on democracy in general. Exaggerated? No, just another warning cry that we need better policy making with democratic legitimacy and a strong social impact!

Together for Social Europe

SOLIDAR Resolution on Migration and Fundamental Rights

12 June 2015

On 4 June, SOLIDAR held its Annual General Assembly in the European Parliament. During the General Assembly members agreed unanimously on a resolution on migration and fundamental rights that calls upon the European institutions to urgently provide a comprehensive solution to the ongoing humanitarian tragedy of thousands of people losing their lives and/or being made victims of human right violations in their attempt to reach the borders of the European Union in search of international protection, a better life and better opportunities.

The resolution also includes a call for action for an international mobilisation on 20 June – on the occasion of World Refugee Day – addressed to all the CSOs and the general public sharing our concerns.
Full resolution here.

Luxembourgish EU-Presidency to focus on Social Economy

9 June 2015

Last week SOLIDAR participated in a conference in Luxembourg organised by Social Platform that was held in preparation for the Luxembourgish EU Presidency in the second half of 2015. Representatives from Social Platform members and from Luxembourgish Civil Society organisations met on 2 June to finalise the messages and recommendations for the Luxembourgish EU-Presidency in four separate workshops. The output of these workshops was presented to the Luxembourgish Social Minister Nicolas Schmit at the 3 June conference.

The focus was on the promotion and recognition of the Social Economy sector, the financing of Social Enterprises and Civil Dialogue. Minister Schmit expressed his firm commitment to the matters raised by the present Social Platform members and announced a strong focus on Social issues during the Luxembourgish EU-Presidency.
More information about the conference can be found here.

Building Learning Societies

Conference on “A Europe of talents: giving new impetus to skills acquisition through mobility for apprentices”

9 June 2015

On 2 June the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised a high-level conference dedicated to the mobility of apprentices. Representatives from the European Commission, CEDEFOP, the European Parliament and civil society discussed how to overcome remaining challenges to support apprentices’ mobility in the EU.

The speakers agreed that apprenticeships help bridge the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge, while placements abroad reinforce the broader perspective of VET education. As stated by Maria Harkin, a member of the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee, mobility could help build an image of more valuable and transferable VET education.
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NO to child labour – YES to quality education!

12 June

The World Day against Child Labour is celebrated every year on 12 June. This day, initiated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 2002, is an occasion to raise awareness of the situation of child labourers and what can be done to help them.

According to recent global estimates, some 120 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are involved in child labour, with boys and girls in this age group almost equally affected. Many of these children work far away from home in dangerous environments, slavery, or other forms of forced labour. They are deprived of adequate education, good health, and other basic freedoms.
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Organising International Solidarity

Decent Work and Social Protection for All: A Global Challenge, a Common Engagement | SOLIDAR – FOS – SOLSOC Mission to the ILO Conference, Day 2

8 June 2015

In the framework of its advocacy and campaign work to promote Decent Work and Social Protection for All, SOLIDAR together with its Members – Solidar Suisse, FOS-Solidaristische Solidariteit and Solidarité Socialiste – attended the 104th Session of the International Labour Organisation’s Conference in Geneva to support the demands of its partners – Asmade (Burkina Faso) and theCoordinadora Sindical de trabajadores azucareros (El Salvador)- for Freedom of Association, Decent Work and Universal Access to Health.

As part of the programme, on Tuesday 2 June, the public roundtable debate “Decent Work and Social Protection for All: A Global Challenge, a Common Engagement” was hosted and followed by a photo exhibition on “Sugar Cane Workers in El Salvador: Fighting for Decent Work”.

Speakers included Frank Hoffer from ILO ACTRAV, Juliette Campaore from Asmade and Noe Gilberto Nerio from the Coordinadora Sindical de Trabajadores Azucareros.
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SOLIDAR Statement on decent work, social protection and freedom of association in development

11 June 2015

The everyday life of millions of people around the world, from North to South and from East to West, shows that access to adequate social protection remains a privilege for the few. 73% of the world’s population does not have access to comprehensive social security systems (they may be partially covered, or simply not covered at all). Less than 30% of the world’s population has adequate social security coverage. 9 million children under the age of five die every year from diseases that are largely preventable. More than one billion people live on less than US$1.25 a day – a shameful situation. You can read the full statement here.

SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards

On Wednesday 3 June 2015, the 13th edition of the SOLIDAR Silver Rose Awards was held in the European Parliament’s Members Restaurant organised with the support of the S&D Group, the Party of European Socialists and EurActiv. The evening was opened by Paca Sauquillo, newly elected SOLIDAR President. The entire evening was dedicated to the organisations and individuals who had won awards in the four different categories, Organising International Solidarity, Building Learning Societies, Together for Social Europe and the Lifetime Achievement award. This annual event brings together policy makers, trade unionists and civil society organisations (CSOs) to pay tribute to those who have contributed significantly to advancing social justice in Europe and worldwide. Above all the evening reflected the impact CSOs can have. A more detailed description of the evening and photos can be found here.

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