EMI Background Briefing on EU own Resources
The issue of own resources for the European Union is back on the agenda, with the High Level Group on Own Resources, set up in February 2014, working on a comprehensive report on possible EU own resources. Currently, the EESC is also working on an own-initiative opinion on the subject, to provide input for the High Level Group whose final report is expected at the end of 2016. With the ongoing work on the EESC own-initiative opinion, including discussions with stakeholders, and the planned interinstitutional and interparliamentary conference on EU Own Resources at the beginning of 2016, the Own Resource-debate is not to be neglected.
To provide an insight into what is at stake in the Own Resources debate, the EMI has prepared a background briefing which discusses the origins of the debate, the work of the High Level Group on Own Resources and the EESC on the issue, as well as the opinion of the EMI and other stakeholders on the subject.
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