EM Germany Newsletter 02/14
Historic chance or danger for civilization? EM Germany and EMI are discussing TTIP
“Between participation and protest: TTIP and involvement of interest groups” was the headline for a lively EBD Exklusiv discussion last Thursday in Berlin. Hosted at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DIHK), DIHK CEODr. Martin Wansleben welcomed 130 guests to talk about TTIP with Frank Hoffmeister, deputy head of EU trade commissioner Karel de Gucht’s cabinet at EU Commission, Frank Riemensperger, Executive Vice President of AmCham Germany. The panelists also offered very different perspectives on the negotiations ranging from ver.di trade union’s skepticism to a very confident Ministry of Economic Affairs. | Full text in German
The Berlin debate took place within a debate series on civil society and TTIP under the umbrella of European Movement International (EMI). | Full text
Pushing for more transparency: EM Germany Board on European elections, trilogues, and public broadcasters
Lobby the European Council not to ignore the citizens’ votes when nominating the new Commission President, make informal trilogues the exception to the rule in EU legislation, and campaign for a more European approach of national public broadcasters – those were the resolutions adopted by EM Germany’s Board at its latest meeting. | Full text in German
EM Germany De-Briefings on European and EU Councils
According to the panelists at EM Germany’s de-briefing, spring European Council was one of consensus and success. The 28 EU Heads of State or Government unanimously decided on Sanctions against Russia and agreed on a roadmap for setting the EU’s 2030 climate goals. Reporting for Federal Foreign Office, new EU Director Martin Kotthaus took part in an EM Germany dialogue for the first time. | Full text in German
EBD De-Briefing on Justice and Home Affairs revealed the Council’s consensus on general issues –but it’s the little things that cause big problems. | Full text in German
With the delegated acts for CAP reform still disputed, EBD De-Briefing on AGRIFISH Council discussed the legislative proposal for a better targeted information and promotion policy for agricultural products and got briefed on the regulation proposal on organic production. | Full text in German
Fachforum Europa: “Europe – do it yourself!”
Ahead of the European Elections, 140 experts on Europe-related youth education met in February to discuss ideas and projects on how youngsters’ participation in European politics can be improved. Hosted by the German Savings Banks Association (DSGV) in Berlin, the eighth edition of ‘Fachforum Europa’ was organised by YOUTH for Europe, the Federal Agency for Civic Education, and EM Germany. | Full text in German
More participation, more equality: new issues of EM Germany’s online papers ‘EU-in-BRIEF’
Where and how is civil participation at EU level taking place? What needs to be done to involve civil society more strongly with the European elections in mind? EM Germany and its member organisations discussed these questions at its Stakeholder Forum, held in November at the Federal Foreign Office. Florian Strasser put together a documentation of the statements and panels for EU-in-BRIEF. | Full text in German
The current ‘Women of Europe’ award winner observes a ”huge solidarity“ among women across Europe in their fight for gender equality: “We owe the young generation to improve our situation”, she said at the award ceremony in autumn. To celebrate International Women’s Day, EM Germany published Daniela Topp-Burghardt’s speech in EU-in-BRIEF. | Full text in German
‘1000 reasons to vote for Europe’ – European Movement campaigns for European elections
“Cast my vote? Why should I?” That is what many citizens ask themselves when an election is coming up. In the run up to the European elections in May, the EM Germany member organisations provide answers to this question: in an individual election manifesto, all members are invited to give one “good reason to vote for Europe“ from their individual point of view. EM Germany is now publishing its members’ contributions. | Full text in German
Check out the growing number of reasons to vote at EM International’s Flickr Stream of the campaign! | Link
College of Europe Alumni meet at Berlin ‘Stammtisch’
It was a bit like back at the College: more than 30 alumni of different promotions discussed the new book their co-graduate Richard Fuchs is just about to publish: “Europa mit allen Sinnen gestalten“ (“Building Europe with all senses”) is coming out in April and was presented exclusively to the Alumni on Monday.| Full text in German
EMI grieves death of former President Maurice Faure
Former French Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Maurice Faure died on 6 March, aged 88. Faure took over the helm of the European Movement International from Robert Schuman in 1961, and brought the Movement to new heights throughout his eight years as President | Full text
Events to come
31.03./01.04.: Meeting of the German Selection Committee for the College of Europe | 31.03.: EBD Exklusiv – A talk with College of Europe Rector Jörg Monar | 09.04.: European industrial policy 2020: Discussion on nanotechnology with IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie | 11.04.: Members Council of European Movement International
Member Organisations’ News
DBV: Current fertilizing ordinance ensures water protection. Ruckwied: Good professional practice shouldn’t be questioned! | DSGV: Fahrenschon: “Brussels has to further take into account the needs of medium-sized enterprises all over Europe.” | Stiftung 2°: Economy demands ambitious Energy and Climate Package | BDI: Industrial competitiveness has to become Europe’s core project | and much more
EU protagonists on the move
New head of the Federation of German Consumer organizations (vzbv): Klaus Müller|New Managing Director of the Simone Veil Governance Center for Europe: Dr. Ulrike Guérot | New chief economist of the DSGV: Michael Wolgast | and many more
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