
Events > Jobs and Growth through the Digital Economic Model

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EMI Events

Jobs and Growth through the Digital Economic Model

The European Movement Political Committee on Jobs, Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth will be attending a special meeting with Aura Salla, Communications Advisor, Cabinet of Jyrki Katainen.



14.30 Welcome words by Eva Paunova EMI Vice-President and Co-Chair of the Political Committee and Jo Leinen (tbc), EMI President and MEP
14.40 Presentation by Aura Salla, Communications Advisor, Cabinet of Jyrki Katainen
14.50 Open debate with the members
15.20 Conclusions and next steps, Eva Paunova EMI Vice-President and Co-Chair of the Political Committee and Jo Leinen (tbc), EMI President and MEP
15.30 Ends

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