
Events > Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path

Event Details:

  • 25th February 2016 - 26th February 2016
EMI Events, EMI Members’ Events, EMI Partner Events

Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path

On 25-26 February 2016 the European Movement International and European Movement in Serbia, in partnership with TACSO and the Serbian European Integration Office, jointly organised yet another Balkan civil society conference, “Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path”.

The conference, which brought together around 150 participants from civil society, European institutions and national authorities from the region, focused on three themes:

  • Dialogue between civil society and public authorities in the accession process (including mechanisms for participation such as Convent and SECO);
  • Regional cooperation between civil society;
  • Civic dialogue between EU and (potential) candidate countries.

Let us recap on the two great days by checking the People to People TACSO Report  and taking a look at:

Get back to the discussions on Twitter @EMInternational #CSbeyond #EurMove.

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