AEGEE: Borderless Europe: Blessing or Burden?
Your Vision for EUrope Project and AEGEE Cluj-Napoca are organizing a three-day thematic conference under the title “Borderless Europe: Blessing or Burden?”. The event aims to gather more than 50 participants and it is going to take place from the 6th to the 9th of May 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, the city that won the title of European Youth Capital award in 2015.
Within the framework of social Europe, it will be a great opportunity to discuss one of the columns that sustains the European project: a Europe without internal borders, not only physical but also social and economic. What are the consequences of a borderless Europe? How has the right of free movement of goods, persons, services and capital evolved through time within the EU? What will happen to the Schengen area? These and many other topics will be dealt with during the conference.
Moreover, the debate will focus on Europe’s external borders, by offering different perspectives from the regions that are not part yet of the European Union and by investigating how the continent is perceived from the outside. Does Europe still look like an impenetrable fortress? How do non-EU citizens move into and within Europe? How do visa regulations work and who needs a visa to enter the EU?
All these issues will be explored through a wide variety of workshops, panel discussions, lectures and debates coordinated by the Your Vision for EUrope Project, a long-term project initiated by AEGEE-Europe to facilitate discussion and debate on European topics and to make the voices of young people heard by European policy-makers.
The event is made possible thanks to the support of Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri, which has awarded its Franck Biancheri Award 2016 to AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca. This award is given each year to one of AEGEE’s local organisations (antennae), to commemorate Franck Biancheri, founder of the AEGEE Network, and to promote his legacy.
Participants will also take part in celebrations for the 25th anniversary of AEGEE Cluj-Napoca and for the Day of Europe on the 9th of May! Young people with an interest in Social Europe, both AEGEE members and non-AEGEE members, are more than welcome to apply here!
The participation fee is €25 and includes the conference, accommodation, meals, city tour, transport in Cluj-Napoca and a social program. The deadline is 10 March!
For any questions related to the event – please write to: and/or!
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