ALDE Party Spring Council meeting
The 2016 ALDE Party Council Meeting will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania at the invitation of Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis.
The ALDE Party Council Meeting offers opportunities for debate on resolutions; a diverse programme of fringe discussions and social networking opportunities for liberals and democrats from across Europe.
As for all ALDE Party statutory events, participants will need to register online in advance. Once you have completed online registration and your attendance has been validated by your International Officer or the ALDE Party Secretariat, you will receive a barcode by email – this should be presented in a printed copy or on your smartphone upon arrival in Vilnius.
Onsite registration is also possible in some cases, but participants are advised to register online in advance to avoid a length arrivals procedure onsite. Online advance registration is closed a few days ahead of the Council Meeting to allow final technical work to be completed, after this point, registration is only possible onsite.
The link to the Council Meeting Registration Platform via the tab on the right-hand side of this page. International Officers will also have received a communication informing them how to validate their delegation and assign voting rights.
ALDE-CoR, ALDE REGI WG and the EP Information Office in Lithuania meeting in Klaipeda will be holding an event in Klaipeda, Lithuania on ALDE vision on the ALDE Vision on the Simplified EU Cohesion Policy and the Macro Regional Strategies on 2-3 June ie. directly before the ALDE Party Council Meeting.
Attendees at the ALDE Party Council Meeting are cordially invited to participate in this event as well.
For further information, please contact Edgaras Mascinskas at ALDE-CoR on
Our hosts in Lithuania, LRLS, would like to cordially invite you to take part in an optional tourist excursion the day after the Council Meeting – Sunday 5 June – to historic Trakai Castle.
If you wish to participate, please indicate this via the registration form.
More information will be provided nearer the time to those participants who have registered.
For any information about the meeting, or with any questions, please contact the ALDE Party Secretariat who will be happy to advise you:
Emily Death, Events & Business Relations Manager
+32 2 237 01 49
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