
Events > Brace yourselves for Brexit – implications for EU business

Event Details:

  • 26th April 2018
  • 09:30 - 11:00
  • Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, Sofia
  • Brexit
EMI Events

Brace yourselves for Brexit – implications for EU business

On 26 April 2018, European Movement International held a high-level discussion with Michel Barnier, European Chief Negotiator for the UK Exiting the EU, on the implications of Brexit on the EU businesses.

Given the additional administrative burden and costs as a result of the more complex legal and regulatory framework, which is to be expected after Brexit, European companies need first-hand information on the potential negotiations outcomes in order to prepare for reorganisation as the probability of a restricted access to the British market is quite high.

The EMI, in partnership with the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB) organised this event with the aim of filling that need and helping European businesses that operate on the Bulgarian market reduce the risk and remain competitive both before and after Brexit.

Mr Barnier presented the latest developments in the negotiations with the UK and the projected outcomes relevant for EU businesses. After that discussions with representatives of European businesses, members of the European and Bulgarian Parliaments, business associations, representatives of foreign chambers of commerce and key civil society members took place.

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