EM Czech Republic: The political project in Europe
Panel discussion: The mission, sense and historical importance of European integration; its function, organisation and structure. The present world crises, their impact and their solutions in the EU framework; present problems of the European integration process; the position of the Czech Republic in the EU and actual possibilities for the advancement of its autonomous interests, etc.
Lecturers: Jiří Dienstbier, Ludmila Opekarová
Additional EM Czech Republic Europe Day Events
- EM Czech Republic: EU structural policy in the real life of the CR
- EM Czech Republic: Czech Republic, EU and the world in the process of migration. Who are we, where do we go and who comes to us – VŠP University, Jihlava
- EM Czech Republic: Czech Republic, EU and the world in the process of migration. Who are we, where do we go and who comes to us – Mendel University, Brno
- EM Czech Republic: The transformation process in the CR as condition for its integration into supernational structures
- EM Czech Republic: Financial policy of the CR in the EU framework.
- EM Czech Republic: Issues of the present world through the eyes of the CR and the EU
- EM Czech Republic: International Conference: ”Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Between Scylla and Charibdis?”
- EM Czech Republic: Europe between the USA and Russia, from Gorbachev to Obama
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