
Events > EM Ireland: Blue Star Programme Europe Day Celebrations

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EMI Members’ Events

EM Ireland: Blue Star Programme Europe Day Celebrations

Europe Day on Monday, 9 May is the culmination of the Blue Star Programme every year and is always a great day! In the past we’ve seen food fairs, parades in local communities, school Eurovision competitions, art exhibitions inspired by famous European artists, flag days, parents’ days and lots in between.

Europe Day is an excellent opportunity to showcase your school’s work and activities as part of the Blue Star Programme – to pupils, their families and the wider community. Why not write to your local MEP or invite one of the EU Ambassadors to visit your school as part of your Europe Day celebrations? MEPs and Ambassadors love getting involved in the Blue Star Programme and seeing how pupils around the country are learning about the work of the EU, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

We also ask pupils and teachers to mark Europe Day with a ‘Handshake for Europe’ which sees pupils and teachers shake hands with each other to recognise the solidarity that exists among European citizens and to celebrate the diversity that comes with being part of the EU.

Please do get in touch with us and let us know what you are planning for Europe Day! It is a fantastic opportunity to display your hard work and we will be more than happy to help you with the organisation and promotion of your events.


The Blue Star Programme 

The Blue Star Programme is an education initiative which fosters better understanding and knowledge of the EU and how it affects the lives of Irish citizens among Irish primary school pupils through classroom projects and activities. A venture of the Communicating Europe Initiative, it is managed by European Movement Ireland and is supported by the Office of the Minister of State for European Affairs, the Department of the Taoiseach (Prime Minister), the Department of Education and Skills, the European Commission Representation in Ireland and the European Parliament Information Office in Ireland.

Now in its fifth year, the Programme has gone from strength to strength with more than 590 primary schools and over 50,000 pupils throughout the country having taken part to date. On Europe Day, in Dublin City Hall, two schools who have participated in the Blue Star Programme every year since it started in 2011 will be showcasing their work and taking part in a ‘Handshake for Europe’ – shaking hands with each other in a spirit of solidarity and to celebrate the diversity in their schools. The ‘Handshake for Europe’ will also be part of celebrations in schools around Ireland.

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