
Events > EM Ireland: Breakfast Briefing on “The UK’s Decision to Leave the EU”

Event Details:

  • 17th October 2016
  • 8:30
  • Brexit
EMI Members’ Events

EM Ireland: Breakfast Briefing on “The UK’s Decision to Leave the EU”

European Movement Ireland invites you to a breakfast briefing on the UK’s EU referendum, which will look behind the scenes at the campaigns, review the role of the media and analyse the polls and the commentary.

Join a panel including:

Mary Regan, Political Editor, UTV Ireland
Richard Colwell, Managing Director RED C Research
Sebastian Hamilton, Editor, Irish Daily Mail and Group Editor, Irish Mail newspapers
Noelle O Connell, Executive Director, European Movement Ireland
Noel Whelan, Author, Barrister, Commentator

Mont Clare Hotel
1-4 Merrion St Lower

Please RSVP to confirm your attendance at this event before 12 October, by contacting the EM Ireland team:

T: +353 (0)1 662 5815 E: events@europeanmovement.ie

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