EM UK: EU Leicester Rally – Leading NOT Leaving
The EU Referendum is on 23rd June and our future is on the line. This will be one the most important decisions in our country’s history.
Join us in LEICESTER at a LEADING NOT LEAVING RALLY with leading REMAIN supporters from all parties
- Sir Vince Cable – Former Deputy Leader of the Lib Dems and former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
- Caroline Lucas – Green Party MP and former Green Party Leader
- Lord Michael Cashman – Former Labour MEP for the West Midlands and Labour Party special envoy on LGBT rights
- Laura Sandys – Chair of European Movement UK
- Anuja Prashar – Executive (Treasurer) European Movement UK and Lib Dem former parliamentary candidate
Registration guarantees entrance, drop-ins welcome when all registered attendees have been admitted. Tickets are completely FREE.
What EU issue do you care about? The environment? Student life and the Erasmus programme? The Irish vote and peace in Northern Ireland? The Creative Industry? European Movement runs many campaigns to make sure that your interests are protected and your voice is heard, with Environmentalists4Europe, Students4Europe, Irish4Europe, Creatives4Europe and Register2Stay.
European Movement will be hosting a series of similar cross-party meetings across the UK.
European Movement UK is a grassroots, independent, pro-European organisation, working to give a voice to those who believe that Britain’s future lies side by side with our European partners.
How to get there:
St Martin’s House has parking on site, please contact 0116 261 5200 to discuss your parking requirements.
Rail Links
Leicester is on the East Midlands Mainline route and takes approx 1hr 10min from London St Pancras. A taxi from the station will take approx 10 minutes and cost £5.00. We are a 15 minute walk from the main station.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please arrive at 12.30 for a 13.00 start.
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