
Events > EMI TTIP Briefing with the European Ombudsman

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EMI Events

EMI TTIP Briefing with the European Ombudsman

Upon the conclusion of the EU Ombudsman public consultation of TTIP transparency, and a successful round of the EMI civil society TTIP events in 2014, we will meet to take a look at the results of the public consultation and acknowledge the EU Ombudsman’s official position on TTIP, drawn from the dialogue with European citizens.

WHAT: EMI TTIP Briefing with the European Ombudsman
WHEN: Thursday, 29 January 2015, 10.00am – 11.30am
WHERE: Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation, Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 14, B-1040 Brussels

Please note: This event is now full


  • Introductory remarks by Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International (10:00 a.m.)
  • Emily O’Reilly, EU Ombudsman, to present the results of the public consultation on the TTIP transparency and give the Ombudman’s official position
  • Q&A Session

For further details on this event, or if you would like to be put on a waiting list, please email joanna.nahorska@europeanmovement.eu

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