
Events > EMI Workshop: ENP 2.0 – a New Approach towards the EU Neighbourhood

Event Details:

  • 5th June 2015
  • Palacultura, Viale Boccetta, Messina, Sicily
EMI Events

EMI Workshop: ENP 2.0 – a New Approach towards the EU Neighbourhood

The EMI Political Committee “Europe in the World”, with a kind support of the European Movement Italy, is organising a workshop within a framework of the 60th anniversary of the Messina Conference’s celebrations, “ ENP 2.0 – a New Approach towards the EU Neighbourhood”. The event will take place on 5 June 2015 in Messina, Sicily, starting at 4 p.m. It will not only serve as a platform for interactive debate with ENP experts, but also highly facilitate EMI’s contribution to the ENP Review and constitute a valuable opportunity for the Committee’s meeting.

Programme: Messina Conference_EMI Workshop_5 June 2015_final

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