European Movement International: After the UK vote – How to relaunch the European political project?
The Spinelli Group and Bertelsmann Stiftung, in partnership with European Movement International and UEF invite you to the public debate:
After the UK vote: How to relaunch the European political project?
Thursday 7 July 2016
European Parliament Information Office
Europäisches Haus
Unter den Linden 78
Register online
Please bring your ID card with you!
The Spinelli Group is promoting a cycle of meetings in national capitals to present proposals on the main challenges facing the European Union and address the key question of how to relaunch the European political project. This year events are planned in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna and Warsaw.
On 7 July the Spinelli Group will be visiting Berlin. On this occasion, the Spinelli Group is inviting national political personalities in order to discuss ideas on how to address the greatest challenges facing the EU in two different panels. In each panel, the Spinelli Group MEPs will present the positions of the Group and the current debate in the European Parliament and dialogue with guest speakers presenting the German view on the issue.
The meetings will also offer the occasion to discuss ideas for the reports being prepared by the European Parliament on the institutional future of the European Union within and beyond the current Treaties as well as on the strengthening of the Eurozone.
The debates will be in German and English, with interpretation.
The entire programme of the event is available for download.
Arrival and registration of participants
- How to resume plans towards fiscal, economic and political integration to make the monetary union stronger, more competitive and sustainable in the long-run?
- How to upgrade Schengen and develop effective European solutions for managing the European common border under pressure from the refugee crisis?
- How to develop European security capabilities to face the growing cross-border terrorist threats?
Panel discussion moderated by:
JOACHIM FRITZ-VANNAHME, Director of Europe’s future programme, Bertelsmann-Stiftung
With interventions by:
MERCEDES BRESSO, Coordinator of the S&D group in the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee, Board of The Spinelli Group
ELMAR BROK, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, Co-Chair of the Spinelli Group and President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF)
INGRID ARNDT-BRAUER, Chair of the Bundestag Finance Committee
ANNALENA BAERBOCK, Climate Policy Spokesperson of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen group in the Bundestag
LARS CASTELLUCCI, Member of the Bundestag European Affairs Committee
GUNTHER KRICHBAUM, Chair of the Bundestag European Union Affairs Committee
- How to relaunch the European political project in the aftermath of the UK referendum?
- How can diverging views among member states on the future direction of the European Union’s integration be reconciled?
- How to address the emergence of anti-European forces in many member states?
- Reforms within the EU Treaties or reform of the EU Treaties?
Panel discussion moderated by:
CHRISTIAN MOOS, Secretary-General of Europa-Union Deutschland
With interventions by:
DANUTA HÜBNER, Chair of the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee, Board of The Spinelli Group
JO LEINEN, Member of the European Parliament, Co-Chair of the Spinelli Group and President of the European Movement International
MATHIAS JOPP, Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik
MANUEL SARRAZIN, European Affairs Spokesman of the Bündnis 90/die Grünen group in the Bundestag
NORBERT SPINRATH, European Affairs Spokesman of the SPD group in the Bundestag
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