Investing in the Future of Europe – Warsaw
The European Movement International and the European Investment Bank (EIB), in partnership with the European Movement Poland and the Business Centre Club, hosted the event “Investing in the Future of Europe’’, which was held in Warsaw on 5 July 2017.
10:00 – 10:30 – Opening coffee and registration
10:30 – Welcoming remarks:
- Marek Goliszewski, President of the Business Centre Club
- Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International
10:40 – 10:55 – Keynote speech:
- Dr Hakan Lucius, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Transparency and Civil Society, EIB
10:55 – 11:10 – Presentation: New products of the EIB for private sector in Poland
- Piotr Michałowski, EIB Representative to Poland
11:10 – 12:10 Panel debate: (to be held in Polish with English translation)
- Jerzy Kwieciński – Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development
- Maciej Bukowski – WiseEurope, European think-tank based in Warsaw, President
- Tomasz Marciniak – Partner, McKinsey & Company, co-author of “Poland 2025” Report
- Janusz Jankowiak – Chief Economist, Polish Business Roundtable
- Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz – President, The Polish Bank Association;
- Mikołaj Dowgielewicz – Director General, Permanent Representative of EIB Group to EU Institutions in Brussels
Moderator – Marcin Święcicki, Member of the Polish Parliament, President of the European Movement Poland
12:10 – 13:00 – Q&A with the audience
13:00 – Networking Lunch
This event is the first in a series co-organised by the European Movement International and the European Investment Bank, taking place in various locations in the EU and neighbourhood countries.
The sessions discussed the benefits of EU membership and it was an opportunity for broader civil society to learn more about the transformative power and direct benefit the EIB can generate for the people of Poland. It was also an opportunity to look at new investment opportunities offered by the EIB for the Polish private sector, including products made possible by the “Juncker Plan‘’. In addition, representatives from the government, the EIB, as well as practitioners and experts informed about the economic trends and investments prospects in Poland and Europe, and implementation of “Plan of Responsible Developement (Morawiecki Plan)’’.
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