
Events > Messina Conference

Event Details:

  • 3rd June 2015 - 6th June 2015
  • Palazzo Zanca, Piazza Unione Europea, Messina, Sicily
  • Europe in the World
EMI Members’ Events

Messina Conference

The Messina Conference of 1-3 June 1955 has played a key role in the opening of the negotiations that led to the Treaties signed in Rome the 25th March 1957. With the support of the European Commission and in cooperation with the City and the University of Messina, the European Movement in Italy has planned a series of events from 3 to 6 June 2015.

The main purpose is not only to organize a celebration event but also to give political, institutional, economic, social and civil society representatives the possibility to debate the State of the Union sixty years after that crucial Conference.

During four days, the participants will discuss about conflicts and peace in the Mediterranean Sea, the new migration flows, climate change and neighbourhood policy and they will conclude on the idea of a MED-EU Community.

The organizers will submit to the participants a “Charter” that could take the name from Messina, renewing the spirit of 1955 Conference and to relaunch the European integration process founded on the principles of solidarity, rule of law and democracy.


EMI Workshop, 5 June:

Messina Conference_EMI Workshop_5 June 2015_final

Draft program (in Italian):

Programma-60-conferenza-messina-modifCIME-PVD-MESSINA_12-05-2015 (1)

For more information contact Movimento Europeo Italia:

Stefano Milia progetti@movimentoeuropeo.it

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