
Events > The European Green Deal and its impact on the EU-Turkey relations

Event Details:

  • 10th May 2022
  • 14:00-15:00 CET
  • Register
EMI Events, EMI Members’ Events

The European Green Deal and its impact on the EU-Turkey relations

On Tuesday 10 May 2022 from 14:00 to 15:00 CET, the European Movement International in partnership with the European Movement Turkey held an online panel discussion entitled The European Green Deal and its impact on the EU-Turkey relations.

This panel discussion offered a unique opportunity to promote dialogue and information exchange between high-level institution representatives both from the EU and from Turkey, on the implementation of the EU Green Deal and its impact on the EU’s neighbourhood, in particular Turkey. We focused on the financial and diplomatic aspects related to the Deal from different perspectives.

The event featured: 

Introductory remarks by Petros Fassoulas, Secretary General of the European Movement International.

Panel discussion with:

Moderated by Zeynephan Gemicioğlu, Board Chair of the European Movement Turkey.

The event was live-streamed from the European Movement International FacebookYouTubeTwitter and LinkedIn pages.

The livestream is available here:

We encourage participants to join the discussions on Twitter by using the handles @EMInternational and @TurkeyEU.

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