Fondation EURACTIV – Europe’s MediaLab
Fondation EURACTIV is a think-and-do-tank dedicated to fostering a healthy media community in Europe. It was set up in 2004 as a ‘Fondation d’Utilité Publique’ under Belgian law.
Fondation EURACTIV aims in particular to:
• Support a healthy media sector by fostering a more proactive EU media policy
• Advocate for media independence, media pluralism and language diversity in Europe
• Support media coverage of EU policy both at a national and local level
• Promote media innovation projects for media and related stakeholders
In turn, this will contribute to a healthy democracy and the emergence of a European public sphere. This requires also innovation for the media sector. Fondation EURACTIV seeks to contribute to this need, notably by thinking what a strong EU media strategy should look like.
In addition, Fondation EURACTIV acts directly on the policy environment through concrete interventions:
• Providing analysis and facilitate a dialogue between media professionals and EU stakeholders
• Promoting debates and the sharing of best practices through conferences, training programmes and workshops.
• Implementing projects fostering media sector’s innovation and skills
• Communicating relevant news on Europe’s media via a monthly newsletter.
- Founder: Christophe Leclercq
1 bd. Charlemagne, b1
B-1041 Brussels