
Members > Party of European Socialists

  • Last Updated: 23rd October 2018
International Associations

Party of European Socialists

The Party of European Socialists (PES) brings together the Socialist, Social Democratic, Labour and Democratic Parties from all over the European Union and Norway. Together with 34 full member parties and 12 associate and 12 observer parties, we fight for a better and more progressive Europe.

Since the beginning of the PES movement, our fundamental values have been democracy, freedom, equality, peace and justice. These values belong together and, combined, they form a moral compass to build progressive societies. We are committed to fighting for social justice, growth and jobs, consumer rights, clear rules for the financial sector, human rights and sustainable development around the world. We are working to shape progressive European policies and make Europe work for its people.

The PES is represented in all the European Institutions by its member organisations and leaders. In the European Parliament, the PES is represented by the Progressive Alliance of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, also known as the S&D group. It has 191 members and it is the only political group in the European Parliament with representatives from all 28 member states.

  • President: Sergei Stanishev
  • Secretary General: Achim Post
rue du Trône, 98
B-1050 Brussels
Phone: + 32 2 548 90 80
Fax: + 32 2 230 17 66