

How to become a member

the European Movement international (EMI) is the oldest and largest pro and pan-European civil society network, and it has long stood in favour of a united Europe, founded on the respect of human rights, peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity and citizens’ participation. Its 65 years of history bear witness to its resilience and devotion to this cause. Its National Councils and International Associations further testify to its diversity, outreach and pluralism. The European Movement International is proud of these achievements, but plans for and focuses on the future.

All pro-European organisations representing civil society, trade unions, business, academia, NGOs, political parties and movements are welcome to join the European Movement.

To join, an organisation needs to:

  • share the objectives of the European Movement;
  • undertake to comply with its articles of association;
  • take part in its activities at a European level;
  • have adopted democratic rules of operation.

Before joining an organisation will need to provide the following:

  • statutes with a note on the composition of its governing body;
  • the two most recent activity reports;
  • the most recent financial balance sheet;
  • the programme of future activities;
  • a list of member organisations

Take a look at our membership brochure for more information, contact Barbara Perfetti at secretariat@europeanmovement.eu or use our contact page.