4 Federalist Questions For the New Commission Hearings – UEF
The hearings of Junker’s team, the 27 Commissioners designate, are starting today. For the next 10 days each nominee will be examined by the MEPs. The European Federalists call upon MEPs to seize this opportunity to ask a deep commitment for further European integration and evaluate the candidates’ performances in the light of their engagement to work towards a federal Europe.
The European Federalists call MEPs and European Parliament political groups to ask the following questions to the candidates:
1. Will you support initiatives to further integrate the Eurozone towards a fiscal, economic and political union, including re-launching the proposals put forward by the former Presidents of the European Council, European Commission, Euro-group and European Central Bank in their report “Towards a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union” presented to the Member States in December 2012?
2. Will you support initiatives to revive the European economy by complementing the ongoing structural reforms of member states’ economies with a large-scale European plan of investments in pan-European projects directly funded and implemented by the EU institutions and by completing the single markets in all its areas?
3. Will you support a future revision of the EU Treaties, including through a constitutional Convention, to address the democratic and effective governance of the Eurozone, the relationships with the countries that will not join the Euro and the extension of the Union?s powers in home as well as foreign affairs?
4. Will you support initiatives for moving from a Common to a European Foreign, Security and Defense Policy, including European military capabilities to face the many security challenges at Europe’s borders?
The UEF will be circulating these four questions in the upcoming weeks through its social media channels on the occasion of each hearing.
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