
News > AEGEE Europe: Open call for reporters

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AEGEE Europe: Open call for reporters

The photoblog – Faces of Europe – is looking for enthusiastic and creative reporters for the 2nd edition of the project!

Do you have a passion for photography and journalism? Do you like getting to know people and discovering their stories? Do you believe that the different mentalities, worldviews and ways of life that the European continent harbors are worth celebrating? Would you like to tackle present European challenges from a personal and individual perspective? Then become a reporter for Faces of Europe!

Faces of Europe is all about people and sharing their stories. It was launched by Your Vision for Europe, one of the AEGEE-Europe projects and aims to make Europe more personal by exploring the interesting social and cultural diversity of our continent. We want to collect and spread the faces and voices of people from different backgrounds.

The first edition of Faces of Europe was already a success. Thanks to a committed team of 16 reporters from seven different nationalities, we published stories of many different Europeans on our Facebook page, collecting more than 2.500 likes and many messages of support and positive feedbacks from our readers.

Apply now! Be part of the team and help us discover and share amazing stories all around Europe!
Deadline: 25th November 23:59 CET -> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZ1vA7K24CLPWgAXRh2cgywvJd-ZSlmyiQup8rdmoXWlWF8g/viewform

More info -> http://www.zeus.aegee.org/portal/your-vision-for-europe-open-call-become-a-reporter-for-faces-of-europe/

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