AEGEE: My Europe,My Say!
My Europe, My Say is a European project, implemented by a consortium led by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement- Bureau Européen du Scoutisme (WOSM). The consortium includes AEGEE-Europe and 48 independent youth organisations members of these two networks across Europe, and covers 30 countries.
The project encompasses various aspects, all the way from capacity building tracks to large scale youth exchange events to interactive spaces of dialogue between young people and decision makers. My Europe, My Say will be:
- Strengthening the capacities of youth organisations to offer activities which enhance youth participation, civic competences and political awareness and to increase outreach to more vulnerable and socio-economic disadvantaged young people.
- Offering young people, the opportunity to reflect upon their European identity and values – in the framework of the new narrative for Europe.
- Engaging youth organisations into a pan European campaign around Youth Participation to elections– especially in the framework of the European Elections in May 2019. This will help building a common understanding of an EU citizenship
- Providing young people with relevant information on how to register to vote while living in another EU country.
- Creating spaces of dialogue with decision makers in the framework of the European Elections and beyond. This goal will help reconnect young people to decision-makers while utilising innovative and interactive communication methods such as online forums and webinars.
- Engaging a large number of young people from all across the continent to spread awareness about the importance of participating in the 2019 EU elections, with contributions from our project teams of Y Vote and Europe on Track.
Please find more information here.