
News > AEGEE: Statement on the Council’s draft resolution on encryption

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  • 4th February 2021 - 13:39 UTC

AEGEE: Statement on the Council’s draft resolution on encryption

On the 14th of December 2020, the Council of the European Union has adopted the Resolution on Encryption – Security through encryption and security despite encryption (1). The resolution requires that “Competent authorities must be able to access relevant data in a lawful and target manner, in full respect of fundamental rights and the relevant data protection laws, while upholding cybersecurity […]”. The text calls for adequate access to encrypted content, while at the same time claiming that no backdoors nor weakened encryption shall be implemented.

However, this approach is technically impossible according to more than 450 encryption experts (2)(3), having as implications that Digital Rights of citizens from inside and outside of the European Union would be violated.

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