ALDA: A Digital Democracy Network to support active citizenship in the digital era
“Is it already a Digital Democracy?”. This is the question that ALDA, together with 13 other partners, tried to answer during the kick-off meeting and first international event of the DIGITAL project – Supporting Democratic Union and Active Citizenship in Digital Era from February 4th to 7th, 2020.
The project, supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, is led by the Federation of Municipalities of Madrid and brings together civil society organisations and local authorities from 13 European countries: Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Romania, France, Croatia, Latvia as well as Serbia and Macedonia.
The three-day event, hosted in Penne (Italy) by the Association “You Europe”, aimed at discussing how technology shapes and influences democracy at the local level, through insights and the experience of each single partner, as well as from a wider perspective, through the speeches of experts from the academia and jurists. Not only words: partners then had the chance to visit local organisations that work with and through an advanced level of technological innovation, such as the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti-Pescara and Etipublica.
Read the full article here.