
News > ALDA: Applications Now Open for the 8th EaP CSF Annual Assembly

Article Details:

  • 12th April 2016 - 13:30 UTC
Eastern Partnership, Participative democracy and civil dialogue

ALDA: Applications Now Open for the 8th EaP CSF Annual Assembly

ALDA is glad to announce that the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) invites all interested parties to submit expressions of interest to participate in the 8th Annual Assembly of the Forum that will take place on 28-30 November 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The submission of expressions of interest is a necessary step in the selection process to participate in the EaP CSF Annual Assembly.

The Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is the key event conducted on an annual basis since 2009. It is the highest decision making body of the EaP CSF and serves as a platform for debate on the achievements of the Forum and the EaP in general, and on civil society contribution to the reform process in the region. Every year the event brings together over 200 civil society representatives from the EaP region and the EU, as well as other stakeholders.

For more information on who can apply, you can visit the dedicated webpage.

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