ALDA: Back to school! Autumn ad-hoc trainings
Get in touch with ALDA to organize an ad-hoc training with us! ALDA will meet your needs and requests by offering tailor-made courses and consultancies for local authorities, associations, citizens, and companies.
Tailor-made courses can be organised in the following fields:
- EU direct programmes – including ERASMUS+, Europe for Citizens, H2020, Creative Europe, etc.
- Indirect EU funds such as POR FESR, etc.
- Education and information on topics such as active citizenship, volunteering, participation in decision-making processes (involving local authorities and civil society).
The methods used by ALDA combine theoretical sessions with non-formal education methodologies, aimed at ensuring the maximum level of interaction with participants, as well as their full involvement in the learning process.
Members of ALDA will benefit of special offers.
For any further information and questions, please contact Marco Boaria, Head of ALDA Resource and Development Department:
Get in touch with us! Let’s work together for a learning autumn, paving the way to a fruitful spring!
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