ALDA: Civil tech and CSOs towards a pan-European civil society
On Monday and Tuesday, January 13th-14th 2020, the European Hub for Civic Engagement (EHCE) organised and held in Berlin a meet-up and conference on Open Spaces! How tech can empower civil society.
“Where civil society meets civic tech” isn’t just EHCE’s presentation on its Twitter account, but rather a well-rounded vision, which sees the Hub as a platform where European civil society and its Civic-Tech community connect to collaborate more effectively towards a pan-European civil society.
With the support of the Bosch Alumni Network and IAC Berlin, ALDA Fundraising & External Relations Manager Sofia Corsi had the opportunity to participate to the two-day event, while also taking it as a key occasion to meet up with fellow Members, Alumni & Network Officer Kathrin Oerters from MitOst and with Omri Preiss, Managing Director of Alliance4Europe as well as co-founder of the Hub.
The three have been discussing a potential new project to connect Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) with similar projects and areas of interest through an ad-hoc phone app; and what better occasion to brainstorm this idea than the EHCE meet-up and launching conference, where Omri presented the prototype of the online platform he is developing to connect all CSOs in the world, and various European networks, CSOs and donors discussed how to co-shape it?
In Sofia’s words, “This learning exchange was an enriching and inspiring opportunity to dream big with my friend Kathrin Oerters and important partner MitOst. We were able to deepen the discussion on how to offer more space for civil society interactions to facilitate a stronger and democratic environment for a connected Europe.”
Read the full article here.